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5 Days migration safari Calving in Ndutu

5 Days migration safari Calving in Ndutu

Safari Overview

Some of the migration then head due north of Seronera, but most are usually further west. Around June the wildebeest migration is often halted on the south side of the Grumeti River, which has some channels which block or slow their migration north. The wildebeest then congregate there, in the Western Corridor, often building up to a high density before crossing the river. The river here is normally a series of pools and channels, but it’s not continuous – and so whilst they always represent an annual feast for the Grumeti River’s large crocodiles, these aren’t usually quite as spectacular as the crossings of the Mara River, further north.

The wildebeest migration continues moving northwards during July and August, often spreading out across a broad front: some heading through Grumeti Reserve and Ikorongo, others north through the heart of the Serengeti National Park.

Arusha Town

Day 1: Arrival in Arusha

Upon arrival at Arusha/Kilimanjaro Airport, you will be met by your driver and transferred to the Mount Meru hotel for dinner and overnight. Settle into your accommodation, ready to start your safari proper in the morning.


Day 2: Serengeti National Park (Ndutu Area)

After breakfast, we will set off for Ndutu area situated in the Ngorongoro conservation area, which is part of the southern Serengeti eco-system. Lake Ndutu like most other rift lakes is alkaline however the water is still drinkable and consumed by a wide array of local wildlife.

We will spend the afternoon with a game drive in the Ndutu area. The majority of the wildebeest migration can normally be found on the short-grass plains from December to April. The area is usually heavily populated with elephant, birds and resident game. Back to the hotel for dinner and overnight at Ndutu Kati Kati.

Serengeti And Zanzibar Safari

Day 3: Serengeti National Park (Ndutu Area) - Serengeti National Park (Seronera)

After breakfast, you will enjoy a full day game drive in the Ndutu area exploring a great range of various habitats such as swamps, woodland, soda lakes and the world-famous Serengeti short grass plains. You will witness herds of wildebeest and zebras especially during a short time-frame from around February and lasting for about 3 weeks where majority of the wildebeest calve.

The sea of grass provides little cover and the young makes an easy prey for a variety of predators. Wildebeest calves can run minutes after they were born and within 3 days, they are normally strong enough to keep up with the herd. In the afternoon, we will set off for Serengeti National Park and drive back to the hotel for dinner and overnight at Ndutu Kati Kati.


Day 4: Serengeti National Park Ndutu – Ngorongoro Crater

After breakfast, we will drive to Serengeti National Park in the Central Seronera. This park is well known for its healthy stock of resident wildlife, particularly the “Big Five”: Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Rhino, Buffalo.

Lions: Serengeti is believed to hold the largest population of lions in Africa due in part to the abundance of prey species. More than 3,000 lions live in this ecosystem.

African Leopard: These reclusive predators are commonly seen in the Seronera region but are present throughout the national park with a population of around 1,000.

In the afternoon after an exciting game drive full of animal sightings and a picnic lunch, we will set off for Serengeti National Park and drive to the Crater this night we will stay at the hotel overlooking the unbroken caldera of Ngorongoro Crater. The views of the sunset over the savannah are absolutely breathtaking. After a long day of adventuring, you will over night at Ngorongoro serena Hotel.

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Day 5: Ngorongoro Crater- departure

We will have an early breakfast and afterwards drive to the famous Ngorongoro Conservation area. From here, we will descend down to 600 meters into the crater to view an array of wildlife.

With its year-round water supply and fodder, the Ngorongoro National Park supports a vast variety of animals, which include herds of wildebeest, zebra, buffalo, eland, warthog, hippo, and giant African elephants among others.

What makes this attraction especially famous is the dense population of predators such as lions, hyenas, jackals, cheetahs and the ever-elusive leopard, which requires a trained eye to be spotted. We will also visit Lake Magadi, a large but shallow alkaline lake in the south-west corner and one of the main features of the crater. A large number of flamingos, hippos and other water birds can usually be seen in this lake. In the late afternoon we depart to Arusha/Kilimanjaro airport for your departure flight.

5 Days migration safari Calving in Ndutu

Our Luxury Tariff features premium accommodations in the most captivating park locations, such as the Ngorongoro Crater’s edge, Serengeti valley hills. Each lodge boasts cozy, well-equipped rooms with Wi-Fi. Culinary delights cater to both meat lovers and vegetarians, ensuring a memorable gastronomic experience.

Included in Cost
Not Included in Cost

All payments are in USD only ( the prices quoted are per person).

low season  (1st April - 31th May)









Mid season (1st Nov - 15 Dec)









High season (Jan - March /June -Oct + 16Dec - 10Jan)










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